Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Student Notes from Videos

This afternoon I am giving a presentation to my community on the flipped classroom, what I thought was a pretty complete prezi has now evolved into a 101 transition prezi, and lots of examples, pictures, videos etc. My students are a wealth of information and consistently impress me day after day. I randomly asked my last class of the day if they by chance had any of the notes from the beginning of the year. I didn't think any of them would have them, but they did! I have compiled some examples of their notes from the videos, from boys and girls, as well as the evolution from the packets at the beginning of the year, to stapled note paper, to finally the spirals. Enjoy!

As you can see in this bottom file even in English you can have the students do some activities. Like plot lines, and looking at quotes from the story, or drawing diagrams other than just plain outline notes.


Monday, May 6, 2013

White Papers of Interest

I was reading some pretty amazing white papers today, the first one came from the Flipped Network newsletter. I then proceeded to send it to a few people within my building, and that is when my principal asked me if I had read the second article on digital conversion. Personally and obviously I am flipping my classroom which is why the first white paper was so interesting. And the second white paper has great information for digital conversion which is something my school and district is facing for next year. I am trying to currently find anything and everything I can to prove that laptops are a better plan for digital conversion. The laptops are what all the teachers want, but the district is pushing for iPads due to money and the easier transition to other schools besides just our two grade level middle school.

Click here for the original PDF website.

Click here for the original PDF website

A collection of other white papers by Pearson.

On a personal note I am currently writing white papers for Clarity Innovations who subcontracts for Intel for Education, I will post links when they are official up on the web!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Educational Myths

Aside from the few typos here and there... NERD ALERT!

I thought this was a pretty good read!

An Infographic by Open Colleges

Parent Academy Presentation

I have been asked to present, for two hours, to the community for our districts Parent Academy next week on the idea of the Flipped Classroom. I am not expecting a huge turn out, but we will see. I have created essentially two different presentations. One is a prezi, but I know sometimes that can be glitchy so I have also created a power point. I am almost finished with the prezi, I am trying to decide if I need/want student videos in the presentation. If I don't then I am done, if I do then I still have that yet to add. The original prezi came from Crystal Kirch but I have modified it pretty extensively.

Integrating Google Docs

Next year as we move into a digital conversion I can't help but think GAfE will be our safety net and go to option for most things. So when I run across these things I horde them like the precious jewels that they are! Enjoy!