In March I attended CUE for the second year in a row, there were three standout sessions on sketchnoting and I took a little bit from all three to help me start teaching the rest of my district.
Bullet Journaling... what the heck is bullet journaling and why do I keep seeing so much about it? For me my bujo (throwing words around already- bujo=bullet journal) has made me a better sketchnoter and my sketchnote skills were super handy when starting my bullet journal.
![]() I ran into a colleague from my home town while at ISTE, Alyssa's website, and she mentioned that I should sign up for Blogging Buddies, a group run through the ISTE PLN Edtech Coaches. I was with a few of my teammates at the time so we headed over to the Edtech Coaches playground, I narrowed my sights and signed up right away. I am not sure my teammates have yet but I will be sure to talk to them about the process to continue to encourage them :-) Collaborative NotesClick the button below to access all the notes and resources from #iPDX17 #FOMO is real so explore the resources and feel like you were there anyway! Geo Stories from @coachKMore of the brain is involved in the learning if there can be an anecdote or a physical location attached to the content. Using google streetview and geospheres story telling you can allow students to explore the world around them! Scratch, lessons to get you startedWant to get started with coding in your classroom but you aren't sure how? We have seen 3rd-5th graders get really excited about this project, animate your name! It is one of the first challenges in the educators tutorial series. Read. Tweet. Repeat.For all you nerdy book lovers out there like me, readers win at life, So allow people to choose their own book to read is important, follow some of their steps to find your tribe, your reading soulmate so that you can cultivate the love of reading, Social media can help!
This session was lead by Shelley Burgess and Beth Houf. They both have leadership, and admin experience. Follow them both on twitter and they will follow you back and keep in touch. @burgess_shelley @BethHouf
Nichole CarterCurrent thoughts and ruminations on educational technology. Archives
July 2023